API datasets require a Bearer Token (also referred to as access token) to be included in every API request. 

This token can be generated using your S&P Global Single Sign-On credentials via the Token Generation API endpoint.


Please follow the steps below that is also found in this link.

1. Navigate to the Developer Portal.

2. Select Service Catalog. The Token Generation API is displayed.



3. To use the Token Generation API endpoint, select the Authorize button.



4. Enter your Market Data API key. If you don’t know what your API key is, see the How do I retrieve my 
 API key guide
for help.


5. Select Authorize, then Close.


6. Select the Token Generation API. Select the /auth/api endpoint. Select Try it out. This endpoint
requires you to enter your S&P Global Single Sign-On credentials associated with your API key (email and
password). Enter your email and password, then select Execute. 

If you do not remember your credentials or have trouble using them, then generate a new password.
See the How do I Reset My Password guide for help.


7. Scroll down to the Responses section; copy the access token as highlighted below—quotation marks
 excluded. Keep this handy when for when you need to enter your Bearer Token. 


For further assistance, please contact us via Live Chat or e-mail at CI.support@spglobal.com and provide the following information:


Full Name of the current user:

Email Address of the current user: